dlu cuti, rase xckup...
skg dh cuti, rase xbrbaloi...
dlu xsbr nk abes skool...
ble abes, rase empty lak...
rase cm bru smlm ak dftr...
rase cm bru smlm ak knal korang...
rase cm bru smlm dinner klas...
rase cm spm pun xlpas lg...
tp hakiktnye skg...
like daus say 'life will never be the same', it's true though.. whatevr i do, it's isn't just the same without you guys... no more goin' to cc with your classmte, no more goin' to ds togethr, no more usha2, no more 'ezas, ko nie gyle', no more 'muhaimin, nti light off', no more 'mat nor, bsok dobi', no more 'daus's serious mod', no more 'izzat, 5x kenyng', no more 'enjoy la kamu! grand zina!(klau krng ingat la...)', no more 'x rmai!', no more scissor and fallin' hair... the whole page won't be enough if i coutinue typin', so, at this very moment, i just would like to express my feelings...
y'all la kwan plg cmbest pnah ak dpt, xkan ad pnggnti korang dlm atie ak nie... jgn luper ak, ape2 hal, contek ak, ak kan sedia mbntu dlm ap cre skali pun... hutang mintak hlal la, takot2 'ter ade'... hrp2 korng bce la coretn nie...
last but not least,
ak nk ckap, kt luar tu, smua yg ko knal, adlh kwan ko... mlainkn dier wat ssuatu yg mbuktikn sbliknye... jgn pndg negatif kt orng... cri la kwn rmai2 lg, tp kwn yg kt cnie jgn lupe...
for now don't say gudbye, but let us say 'until we met again.......... friends'.
trisinpronru Ana Baker